Greetings from Family Muinonen.
Martinex is a family-owned Finnish company, whose introduction should not be started with rigid organisation jargon but with the names Risto, Tuula Riia, Jenni, and Amanda. Father, mother, daughters, and daughter's daughter.
The business story of family Muinonen began in 1986 when they decided to start a household item business. The company had a strong emphasis on product design and an uncompromising attitude to not go the easy way.
And they did not. The same attitude is still present today with Risto, Riia, Jenni, and Amanda.
Our own kind of everyday life
Our goal is to offer people something that does not lose its meaning with quick trends. Good everyday life with clever and personal touches.
The courage to do things their own way has made Martinex the perfect partner for another unique family, Moomin. The successful shared adventure of family Muinonen and Moomin Characters has continued since the 90s. Riia, who became CEO in 2001, has a very Moomin-like motto: “We have always been boldly different. And we will always be.”
In this millennium, Martinex has grown its family of brands by acquiring the legendary Finnish design brand Aarikka and the boardgame company Peliko. The latter is led by the younger daughter of the family, Jenni.
But what’s next? Everyday life will show.

"Family company is more a lifestyle than a company. A family company, too, needs to trust the process and aim for growth. That is how society improves, too."
-Risto Muinonen
Where did the name Martinex come from?
We almost forgot! The name comes from Risto’s father, Martti. He used his name in the 50s for his export business. The name had not been used for decades, but the family way and working together has been a family tradition for generations.